OKR Tracking Tool (free template)

Posted on November 8, 2021.

I regularly get asked what my preferred OKR tracking tool is. I reply the same way for every tool question, “Use the tool that makes the most sense in your organization.” For some organizations this will be some software-based service like Workboard. For others it will be a simple kanban-style board tool like Trello. And for still others, it’s just a simple spreadsheet or similar document. 

In the spirit of shipping MVPs and giving you, at the very least, a solid starting point for thinking about your own OKR tracking needs and, at the very best, a tool you can start using today, I’ve put together a first draft of an OKR tracking spreadsheet using Google Docs

free okr Template

You can access the OKR tracking tool at this link. You’ll be able to make a copy of it and repurpose it for your own needs and you’ll be able to share it. In return I ask for only one thing — feedback. 

  • What do you like about this spreadsheet? 
  • What’s confusing? 
  • What did I forget? 
  • What should I add? 
  • What would make it useful for you?

Leave your feedback in the comments section. 

OKR template
Screen capture of the OKR tracking spreadsheet. Check it out here.

What’s in the OKR tracking spreadsheet?

I tried to capture everything you’ll need to track for your OKR effort and nothing more. The parts of the objectives and key results process that the spreadsheet tracks are:

  • Name of the team — Remember OKRs are a team goal-setting framework, not an individual person’s goals. For this reason you won’t find a “responsible person” field in the tool
  • Team members — Names of the folks who are a part of this team
  • Higher strategic theme/OKR/Purpose — What is the work this team is doing in service of? What strategic goal does this work support? How does this work fit into the overall corporate strategy?
  • Objective — this is where each objective statement goes
  • Date target — when do we hope to achieve the objective?
  • Key Result — each success metric for the current objective goes here
  • Progress (current expectation) — How are we progressing towards each key result? Where did we expect to be by now? The percentages are current values rather than percentage towards the goal. 
  • Delta from last week — how are we trending from 7 days ago? This is intended to give the sense of whether the team is progressing towards their goal or away from it on a rolling 7-day basis. 
  • Notes — anything that adds color or context to the OKR statement and current progress towards it. 
  • Related activities, work and hypotheses — this is a place to capture any current initiatives the team is working on or considering to achieve the OKR. If a stakeholder was looking at this, these details should help answer the question, “What are you working on?”

Take a look. Make a copy and try it out. Let me know what you think. I’ll take all the feedback and publish a v2 shortly. 

4 thoughts on “OKR Tracking Tool (free template)

  1. I think a date differentiator would help label each bar of info. Weekly or daily timestamp, whatever they decide on and can accurately measure.
    A burndown/up style graph of progress – goal date vs. set date could help. That has a finished connotation though. Could use the goal achieved to switch on a new OKR and maybe reconfigure the achieved goal to keep an eye on if they’re drifting off their goal they achieved previously.

  2. There are 2 data sets as far as I can see. How would you tell them apart or understand time between them?
    My assumption was you would keep track of past data points to see a trend. Adding a time / date stamp on each should help understand the data better. Or maybe I’m misunderstanding this.

  3. Considerations:

    – Use Coda, ClickUp, or AirTable to make cells dynamics, e.g., weekly update is archived and cell goes back to empty allowing user to make new update (I think those tools can handle that). There should also be a separate monthly update.
    – Segment outcomes across time, like NOW, NEXT, FUTURE. E.g., 1-2 quarters per each learning goal (maybe those metrics are Red, Yellow, Green), 2-3 quarters per each performance goal. When doing long-horizon planning, use questions in the NEXT and FUTURE sections if you do not have a performance or learning goal in mind.
    – Is this for team-level objectives? If so, they should always be written in a problem to solve statement that can be tied to a measurable change in user behavior.
    – Format of performance goal KRs and KPIs: Increase/Decrease from x to y.

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